Exciting new packaging for Level Lemonade

24 Feb , 2023

Exciting new packaging for Level Lemonade

Level Lemonade is a refreshing sparkling lemonade that is high in magnesium. Magnesium is a mine...

Here's what our Brand Ambassador @samhalmarick says about Level Lemonade!

01 Jun , 2021

Here's what our Brand Ambassador @samhalmarick says about Level Lemonade!

"I drink level lemonade because it’s a healthier option than other soft drinks. It also provides ...

Magnesium is... essential in controlling blood sugar levels

19 May , 2021

Magnesium is... essential in controlling blood sugar levels

When we ingest food, it passes through our stomach and intestine - taking on the journey to be co...

Devil Drinks Magnesium Lemonade

16 Mar , 2021

Devil Drinks Magnesium Lemonade

Who will win the drinks duel: the sensible angel or the self-indulgent devil? Level ...

Magnesium is... helpful in boosting exercise performance

12 Mar , 2021

Magnesium is... helpful in boosting exercise performance

#FridayFact⁠ ⁠ During exercise, our muscles use an increased amount of en...