Magnesium... is flushed out by alcohol, sodium and excess sweat

17 Mar , 2020

Magnesium... is flushed out by alcohol, sodium and excess sweat

Most dark colored sodas contain phosphates. These substances actually bind ...

Magnesium... is essential to your skeletal system and maintaining bone density

16 Mar , 2020

Magnesium... is essential to your skeletal system and maintaining bone density

Did you know: 60% of the magnesium found in your body is found in your skel...

Magnesium... speeds up your metabolism

16 Mar , 2020

Magnesium... speeds up your metabolism

Over indulged after a big meal? You'll be glad to know magnesium speeds up ...

Magnesium... is the 11th most abundant element in the human body

16 Mar , 2020

Magnesium... is the 11th most abundant element in the human body

Magnesium is the 11th most abundant element in the human body by mass. Magn...

Magnesium... helps slow down body ageing

13 Mar , 2020

Magnesium... helps slow down body ageing

Telomeres (the DNA sequence at the end of chromosomes) hold the keys to age...

Magnesium... regulates sodium, potassium & calcium

13 Mar , 2020

Magnesium... regulates sodium, potassium & calcium

Magnesium regulates electrolytes and diverse biochemical reactions includin...